
Over the years we realized that every website owner goes through the same hardships getting online and managing their online presence. Besides the runaway costs to design, develop, and host your website, you have constant maintenance, training, growth, and upgrades to deal with. And if you are managing a growing company or community, you will then need additional tools and third-party services such as e-Marketing, payment systems, security, and a number of other functions just to keep your website modern and servicing your organizational needs.

We have made the process of owning and managing your website very simple. Our Cloud-base Social Network Platform gives you all the tools and features you need to operate, manage, maintain, and grow your website without the high costs, and internal resources to oversee all the technical requirements.

What you can expect from us:

  • We guarantee your satisfaction
       If you are not satisfied with your website, we give you a full refund.
  • Low startup and fixed monthly rates
       You know firsthand what you're paying upfront and each month thereafter.
  • A Long-term Partner
       To continually support your online presence. We'll be there for you for the life of your website.
  • Responsive and Timely
       You depend on your website, which is why we respond to important and urgent issues quickly.


Marcel Wah Marcel Wah
Founder and CEO

Marcel is an entrepreneur and artist who loves to mix technology with art.

His interests in computers began while serving in the United States Air Force. Art came much later,  although he grew up in a family of talented artists, most notably Bernard Wah, Edgard Wah, his late father Marcel Sr., and brother Patrick Gerald Wah.

Marcel loves to solve problems, which is why he finds art and technology so fascinating in this business of Web Design and Development.

Because technology presented a huge obstacle to many of his earlier entrepreneurial enterprises, he wanted to prevent other people from having to experience the same barriers.

After closing his art business in 2008 due to the economic crisis, he changed focus to Internet technology.

And now his California-based company, TimlX LLC, provides advanced technology to anyone who wants to get online and operate almost any type of website in a cost-effective and affordable way.

This Is Your Life! And it's Great!